Reading…Anyone Else Miss It?
I love books. I love the world that you escape to, the characters you love and the ones you don’t, the beauty of long descriptive paragraphs and, most importantly, the escapism that comes hand in hand with reading. I find that reading is so much more effective than watching TV, in this way, because although you watch a different world on TV you are but watching. In a book, you are there. You are inside the world, sometimes inside the character, you feel their feels, think their thoughts and suffer their pain. The description of the world is so vivid that your mind (and indeed soul) cannot help but sink into it. With TV, you may only see the world and hear the voices. The difference is undeniable.
When I was younger, I was a total bookworm. Whenever the teachers could manage to forcibly remove me from the safety and comfortable warmth of the school building, I would sit in the courtyard and read silently, no matter how many of my friends annoyingly interrupted me. I was that kinda kid. I read book after book after book, never stopping, never repeating. I could never understand why my sister would read the same books time and time again, when, as I attempted to explain to her, there were and are so many exciting and beautiful new books to be discovered. She would tell me that she liked her books and carry on.
Now, almost everything has changed. My love for books will never die but the time and effort I’m willing to put into the has spluttered and died along with the excitement and zest to read I once had. Sometimes I think it’s because I’ve already read all the good ones. One of my guilty pleasures is reading again one of my pre-teen book loves, such as The Princess Diaries (those books were my life) or anything by Meg Cabot (Airhead is the best), and I still get such a kick out of them even though I know what’s going to happen. Also the laughs never fade! I understand what my sister used to do a lot more now.
I have decided that if I read anything now it’s going to be the Classics because everybody seems to like them and they’ll probably benefit me some day. I took out The Great Gatsby from the library at the beginning of summer, because, let’s be honest, it was small. I thought it would be fairly easy for me to finish it by autumn.
I have so far read ten pages.
I have also lost the book.
The library wants it back now (let’s hope I find it when I tidy my room) and I feel like I’ve been a really big disappointment to myself for not reading it. I quite liked to say that ‘I don’t have time’, but then I caught myself watching episodes of Cybill on YouTube that I’d already seen countless times, and I realised that time wasn’t the real problem.
The real problem is that I am no longer willing to give something in order to get something back. Instead I can just click a couple times, open my eyes in front of the screen and BOOM. Instant. It doesn’t matter that it’s not even half of the experience a book can give me.
Even when I’m sick of watching reruns or shows I couldn’t care less about just to pass the time, I still won’t pick up my book. Why? Because I think that watching pointless shows will bring me more joy than the book will. Now, this may or may not be the case. The joy a specific book will give me is indeterminable. What remains painfully clear is that reading will take effort (to think about what’s going on, the language, etc.) whereas reruns will definitely not. Your brain activity drops to a level lower than sleep while watching TV. And that is the appeal.
Does anyone else miss reading? Please leave a comment telling me how you feel, or if you still read on a regular basis (I salute and admire you).
Thanks loads,
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October 5, 2014 @ 11:00 am
Don’t submit to the TV. It’s the worse thing for your life. You might think I’m exaggerating or weird but trust me and google it.
I think you need to exercise your “reading muscle” and get back into it, just like you would with writing for example. When you stop writing for a while you need to exercise your writing skill to get it back to the point it was. It’s also like when you start exercising – it’s hard because you’re not used to it. Your body becomes lazy. And in the case of reading, your mind becomes lazy. Your mind becoming lazy is not a good thing and something you want to prevent.
Grab a good book and don’t force yourself into reading a specific genre. Pick up whatever your heart wants, something which looks interesting to you. Force yourself to read a certain number of pages each night before bed, etc. and hopefully you’ll pick it back up in no time.
Personally I find when I stop reading books for any length of time my creativity and writing skills degrade. You might not notice it now but that’s probably happened to you as well. Books inspire creativity, just as art does or sports sometimes can. But TV makes you lazy and degrades your brain.
My comment may seem a bit weird haha – I promise I’m not – but do your research and you’ll realise what I’m saying is true. Don’t give up the books. I’ve been in your situation before and it is salvageable.
Iram @ Lovestruck for Louboutins
October 5, 2014 @ 11:13 am
Thank you so much for this insightful comment. You make an interesting point about the ‘reading muscle’, and I think it makes a lot of sense. When I find my book I will definitely follow this advice.
As for TV, luckily I have been much busier lately meaning I have had less time to watch reruns which has brought me out of the habit. I am very grateful for this as I realise now I was wasting a lot of my time!
I look forward to seeing results in my creativity when I get back into reading, and your support has spurred me on even more to get back into reading.
Sasha :)
October 5, 2014 @ 11:56 am
Oh I can sooo relate. I was never a big bookworm but I did read a lot when I was younger and now I never pick up a book whenever “I’m bored.” I think I read a lot because I was in school, and when I got home from school I would do other things like watch tv or play video games. But now if I have any free time I prefer to play a video game or watch some netflix… Or blog!! I would love to re read the Harry potter books but I don’t think I’ll be picking up any new books soon… Which does kinda make me sad. I wish I read more but blog reading counts… Right? Lol
October 5, 2014 @ 5:29 pm
If only…
The Harry Potter series is a good one and loved by many, it’s known as a page turner so if you start hopefully it’ll get you back into reading regularly.
Thanks for commenting!
SASHA :) :)
October 5, 2014 @ 8:03 pm
I find that belonging to a book group is great for getting me reading more and persevering with books that are a struggle at first. If there’s not one near you maybe you could start one?
October 5, 2014 @ 8:15 pm
Thank you for this tip, I’ll have a look for ones in my area.
October 5, 2014 @ 11:59 pm
Since I started blogging , about 3 months ago, I haven’t touched a book. Blogging is much more time consuming than I expected. I really miss reading before bed. x | Instagram
October 6, 2014 @ 4:04 pm
Me too! Completely!
Sasha xx
October 9, 2014 @ 2:10 am
I miss books. There is something about the smell of a book. I’ll pick up a book from time to time. :-) Though reading on the screen is more convenient. I try not to do too much T. V. – but let’s be honest, there are shows I like and watch weekly.
Beauty Isles | An Island Girl’s Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
October 9, 2014 @ 9:29 pm
I went through the non-reading phase a few months ago, but then I was given “The Book Thief” and I guess it sort of snapped me back into my bookworm self:) I think it takes a book you really enjoy in order to make reading seem… more inviting? Regardless I am just so happy I took up reading again, because with school and life going on, sometimes it really is amazing to be able to escape for a little while.
(I also just wanted to mention that I love your writing style, and I can’t wait to go read some of your older posts!:)
October 11, 2014 @ 1:23 pm
The use of the word ‘phase’ gives me hope that i too will come out of this. I definitely agree that a book you really enjoy is essential for having desire and zest for reading. This is what i used to have:) it sounds so wonderful to escape to that world you cant get anywhere else, and i hope i will be back there soon!
Thank you so much for saying that you love my writing style. I find this very interesting as in my normal beauty posts i adopt a much lighter style, i very much enjoy writing as in this post however and it has been received very well. I would love to spend a little more tine writing posts like this but i find i dont have anything else to talk about with this much detail, passion or personal reference. I will have a think about what else i feel strongly about, I’m sure theres something!
I’m considering mental effects of hair removal or the use of sweatshops in the clothing industry, both of which I’ve given talks on before to varying levels of success.
Thank you so much for your comment :)