About Sasha Hope

Posts by Sasha Hope:

The Day-Brightener #1

Bonjourno :) I have decided to create this post as an effort to brighten days, lift heavy spirits and turn frowns upside down!

This week it’s something that always, ALWAYS works for me…no matter how down in the dumpies I’m feeling.

ENTER…the kittens!

Cute kittens

I love cats and kittens so much, there’s never been a period of my life I didn’t have one to cuddle or care for. I have always been a cat person (soz dogs), ever since cute little newborn me was brought home from hospital to immediately become a subject of immense curiosity to my parents’ two black kittens.

The kittens pictured here are this week’s medicine for an injured smile. They bring warmth to your heart and love to your eyes…also fluffy. Lots of fluffy.

I really hope you like this post and if it’s received well amongst you then I’ll do more posts like this (I hope so!)

Spread the post around to donate a smile or even a fully fledged good mood (It’s good for your karma)

Thank you so much for reading and I love you all to bits <3


Like this post? Follow Sasha Hope on Twitter: @SashHope and Bloglovin’ http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12520033/

Grab That Trend! #1 – Shearling

Hi everyone! I’m starting a fun and exciting new series to get your pulses racing. This series will consist of different posts, each focusing one one trend and how and where to buy it, no matter what your price range. I really hope you guys enjoy it, it’s taken a lot of work!

This week its SHEARLING. Be prepared to go inside-out with these fluffy miracles that have just as much style as endless fluffy comfort! On coats, totes, shoes and satchels, were seeing fuzz left right and centre this winter. NOTE: Also suitable if you just need a cuddle.


Burberry Shearling And Wool Melton Coat // Isabel Marant Concealed Wedge Boots // Glamorous Shearling Women’s Biker Jacket // Tory Burch Shearling Small Drawstring Bag // Amelie Pichard Coco Shearling Panel Lace-Ups // Brave Soul Faux Fur Trim Jacket // M&S Shearling Gloves // Hunter Earlham Shearling-Trimmed Boots

These are my favourite picks for how to wear (and rock) Shearling this winter. I absolutely adore those Amelie Pichard shoes and the Tory Burch bag – although my price range is more tailored to the equally gorgeous Brave Soul jacket!

Please leave a comment before you go telling me your thoughts on this series, trend, or any of the items <3

Love you all so much,


Follow me on Twitter: @SashHope

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sasha Hope’s Guide to Friendship Problems

Friendship problems

We’ve all been there. Friendship problems are normal and healthy bumps in the road but they’re also absolutely awful. I’ve felt that sinking, sick feeling too many times to not want to show everyone that it isn’t the end of the world. There are loads of simple and effective ways to deal with friendship problems, from making up or making new, and get rid of that end-of-everything-apocalypse feeling. Being able to easily navigate these bumps in the road is what can make a friendship special and it’s an incredibly useful skill to have. I really hope this will help some people out there to start feeling more friend-confident and less like they want to crawl into that little black hole.

I have included quotations from other websites (links below) but for every point I have added a detailed personal story or touch so this can be a unique and insightful guide.

This is especially relevant to teens and young adults.

1. What do you do when a friend stops talking to you?

‘This is a tricky subject, because there are lots of variables. First of all, look to yourself for any changes or issues you may be causing. If you are the stressor on the relationship, you need to make appropriate changes before your friendship can be mended. This is very hard for most people. It is hard to hold yourself accountable for any wrong doings, but is essential for conflict resolution. If you have done absolutely nothing wrong, and you are sure of it, it is time to look to the other party. Again, by using the proper verbiage, approach the situation with caution. “I feel confused about our friendship, and why you have stopped talking to me,” is a good way to start the conversation.’ http://friends.com/friendship-problems

This is a wonderful piece of advice, which is why I have chosen to include it here. However it is crucial not to confuse this with changing yourself to suit the other person. It is really really important to stay true to who you are regardless of your friends and what they think. If they can’t handle you just the way you are then they don’t deserve to. Above all else, don’t sacrifice your beliefs and values to fit in with someone else’s needs or ideals of what a friend should be like. You know what’s right and you have to live in a way that reflects that. Alternatively, if you’ve changed since you’ve become friends and you don’t suit eachothers needs anymore then you need to evaluate how valuable they are as a friend. If you really just are drifting apart and there’s nothing you can do, maybe think about letting it go and each of you can freely take your own path without feeling like you’re disappointing eachother (or even yourselves for ruining the friendship). This is especially relevant for if it’s due to a change where you don’t connect or have fun like you used to and you’re only holding on to the dregs of the friendship for old times sake.

2. What do you do when you feel excluded from the group?

Feeling unwanted and feeling disconnected from the other friends is difficult to put up with. In this case, it’s always best to speak up. Most of the time, people won’t know what’s in your mind and they may not even know they’re ignoring you. In my case, any problems a girl had regarding the group would go completely unnoticed until she spoke out, at which point we all made a huge effort to resolve her problem. You might think they’re doing it on purpose, but most of the time they’re not! If they are nice, kind people who value you as a friend (which they should, otherwise go find another friendship group) they wouldn’t purposefully cause you upset and will likely try their hardest to make you feel better. Speak up and let it out, because it’ll do a whole lot of bad if you keep it inside.

On the other hand, if you feel like there is a noticeable difference between you and your group or the exclusion is prolonged then it may be best to exit the group and find yourself some better suited or even kinder friends. I have spent too long trying to fit into groups or fight to stay in them, and I didn’t realise that outside might be some truly amazing people I had never given a second glance to. Once I realised that, I left my group and found a best friend who not only is like my other half but who makes me a million times as happy as the other groups ever did. You never know what you might find if you find the courage to go another way.

3. What do you do when you feel drained from putting in all the effort into your friendship?

‘This is a common problem amongst friends, and can easily result in the dissolution of your friendship. The key here is communication. By expressing your feelings to your friend, he or she is put in the position of action. They will either realize their wrong doing and make an attempt to fix the problem, or they are not in fact a real friend. When approaching this situation, it is important to use the proper wording. Approach the conversation with, “I feel like” instead of  “You are…” This will be better received; as opposed to your friend feeling attacked right off the bat.’ http://friends.com/friendship-problems

This is fantastic advice. Again, if the problem persists, you need to evaluate whether this friendship is worth the constant effort from you, and make a decision based on that. If your friend does not make a consistent attempt to fix the problem, they either do not value you as much as they should OR they are completely taking you for granted. If they are taking you for granted then they may not take your feelings seriously, and simply fall right back on the knowledge that you’ll always be there whenever they want you to be with only minimal effort from themselves. This friend is prepared to fight for you, they just don’t think there is any fight at all. If they are shocked into the realisation that they might lose you, they will surely make much more effort to keep you as their friend.

I really hope you found this post helpful, and if you did, spread it around so it can help out someone else. You never know who might need it.

Thank you so much for reading <3



Follow me on Twitter: @SashHope

Superdrug Haul!

Well who doesn’t love a good ol’ haul! I went a bit splurgeous a couple days ago (very naughty) and Superdrug-ed my way to a £35 bill*. Yay!

Here are my purchases:


The first one from the left is the Sally Hansen Miracle Cure nail treatment ‘for severe problem nails’ (sounds a bit harsh) claiming to give you 40% stronger nails in three days and stop nails from peeling. My nails peel horribly all the time and are weak and bendy so this product and I get on like a house on fire. I have used this before and it really worked which is why I repurchased it, but it did go gloopy and unusable so I had to throw around half the product away. Despite this I was really impressed with the product and there was a truly noticeable difference in the strength of my nails.

The big bright yellow monstrosity in the middle there is the classic Carmex, a wonder product that is a staple in so many people’s handbags. It’s motto of soothing, relieving and moisturising is one that is true to the product and it is probably my favourite lip balm. This is not only due to its superior moisturising qualities and abundance of cool ingredients (Hello to you, menthol), but also its signature tingly, cold, fresh feeling that calms my often chemical-overloaded and inflamed lips. Fantastic product that can never be replaced. Also love the pop-art packaging and colour scheme.

Down there in the bottom right hand corner is the Rimmel Stay Matte long lasting transparent pressed powder. I needed a powder and I’ve heard the ravings so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and go apurchasing. I can’t wait to try it out.

bourjois foundation swatch

On the top: unblended On the bottom: blended (love that movie)


I was on the hunt for a new foundation when I came across this. I remember watching a YouTube video recommending this for a lighter coverage, and there was an offer on Bourjois so I happily donned it in my shopping basket. My colour is 52 Vanilla which was the second lightest they had in Superdrug. It’s a gel foundation claiming to last 16hrs and boost radiance for instant anti-fatigue. This is all due to the ‘Vitamin-rich fruit therapy’ in the mix, an exciting prospect that sounds as delectable as it’s sure to look. I really like the sound and the look of this, its a nice texture and blends well as you can see on my swatch. Loving the long, smooth bottle and red bursts of colour helping to reflect the ‘radiance’ that the product is designed to give, and the little image of fruit. Excellent packaging design I think.

Borjois blush Borjois blush brush borjois blush swatch

This beautiful Bourjois blush is quite a sheer colour that is very blendable and easy to layer. My above swatch was around three layers in fact! I really like the colour on the swatch it looks like it will really give my cheeks a pretty pink pop. I love the softly magnetic lid that ensures it stays tight shut around the little moulded brush which sits neatly atop the curved shape of the blush.

I hope you enjoyed reading about how I said goodbye to more of my money and I’ll see you all next time <3

Love from,


* The products included in this post did not in themselves add up to £35, that was inclusive of some more personal products.

Follow me on Twitter: @SashHope

Cosmetics A La Carte Brow Ink …(and rant!)

Hello everyone! As a couple of you may know, I received a Love Me Beauty box a couple months ago, which I was very impressed with and loved the products. However, this was because I had looked at the available boxes and their contents and thought, ‘Wow, those are things I really want!’, so I bought the box, loved the products and was happy. I am not one to commit to beauty boxes, as I know that it could be a huge waste of money and products if they don’t suit my needs, so I selected the one-off month package.

About a month later, I checked back on the Love Me Beauty website, ready and happy to spend another £10 if the contents of the August box were as suited to me as the last one. I was sad to find that there was almost nothing I wanted in any of the boxes, but I graciously accepted that sometimes the boxes will cater to other peoples needs and not my own. I closed the tab and went back to procrastinating on YouTube.

HORROR. I get an email from Love Me Beauty telling me that I have yet to choose my box option for August, and that if I don’t do it soon they will choose for me. I tried frantically to see what had gone wrong and reverse it, but alas, the money was already out of my account. It turned out that in selecting the one month box option, it would continue to purchase new boxes, EVERY month, until I told it to stop. I was not happy about this.

I knew this would happen – I knew I wouldn’t like the boxes every time – and I planned for it. ONE MONTH BOX I SELECTED! ONE MONTH!

So now I have brow ink even though I never use brow products, a massive bottle of beauty wonder oil despite already having a collection of oils I am very happy with (read here for my favourite one), a lip liner I’m never going to use because I don’t use lip liner and a perfectly good eye shadow that is exactly the same colour as two of my other ones.


Luckily, one of the products turned out to be more interesting than it seemed.

Even though I have no interest in brow products, on reading up about the Cosmetics A La Carte Brow Ink I discovered that it can also be used as an eyeliner (YAY!) and for ‘semi-permenant’ body art! This got me far more excited; I have never had an eyeliner in this colour before and I can’t wait to try it out. It’s in the colour ‘blonde’ so I’m hoping for a really stylish, natural eyeliner colour. Eep!

The ‘semi-permenant’ body art was what I wanted to focus on in this post. I gave it a try on my hand and was really happy with the results! The felt-tip nib is really fine and precise so I managed tiny and intricate designs, although I don’t know about semi-permanent. It only survived one hand wash.

By the way, that faded oval on my middle finger was a failed something or other which I tried to simple-wipe off.

cosmetics a la carte brow ink


Like what I’ve done? Me too. But for me, it’s not worth £23, so I’m not going to repurchase.

But hey! If you’re looking to splurge you can have a lookie here: http://www.alacartelondon.com/make-up/brow-ink.html

Have you tried Love Me Beauty or Cosmetics A La Carte?

Thank you so much for reading, I love you all so much <3


Follow me on Twitter: @SashHope

Current Favourites – Beauty, Skincare and Body

It became apparent to me that I have been loving a lot of products recently. And what could be better than to share them with all of you! Hopefully this will enrich your life with fabulous – and I mean fabulous – products that will rock your beauty world. Prepare yourself.

favourites beauty favourites

1. Dove Go Fresh Antiperspirant – This is by far the best anti-perspirant I have ever used. I have the pomegranate and lemon verbena scent which is incredible and smells amazing, the other scents work just as well but one this is my favourite as it smells the best. Will repurchase and repurchase. Read more about this and other anti-perspirants I love (and the best one to suit you!) here.

2. Sanctuary Spa Body Moisture Spray – Amazing product for quick and easy moisturisation and divine sheen on the legs for a freshly-done look. Perfect for brightening up your day – I always feel more confident and, well, awesome when I have super-shiny legs! Not too expensive for Sanctuary either; this travel mini is lasting me forever and it was only £2.50 at Boots (click link on name to shop). Looks godly but the moisture is very light so doesn’t last for such a long time; I suggest using it on mornings when legs will be on show, but don’t use as a night-time moisturiser as you will be disappointed. Definite holy grail product.

2. Body Shop Vitamin C Micro Refiner – This super-fine scrub is excellent for removing pesky blackheads and clearing pores as it really gets right down in there. The hard-working nature of the scrub is not to be abused however – use no more than twice a week and definitely not on sensitive skin, or skin that isn’t very porous. I generally only use it on the blackheads on my nose as it would dry out my cheeks too much. Possibly the best scrub I’ve ever tried (but I’m not very experienced in the matter).

3. Origins Drink Up Hydrating Lip Balm – Ok, first, this is not a lip balm. I don’t know why they chose to call it a lip balm and trick people into thinking they were going to have a new lip balm but it is most definitely a lip gloss. Although I was slightly disappointed at the distinct absence of balm, I soon noticed that in my hands was one of the most beautiful lip glosses I had ever seen. Ultra shiny with a hint of smooth sparkle, this light berry shade looks good enough to smother all over your lips. I wouldn’t say it’s hydrating, but when I used it on it’s own, it didn’t dry my lips out out half as much as a normal lip gloss would have done, which for me is a really desirable quality. I have been using it every night/day out since it arrived as a sample with my Super Spot Remover purchase (along with two other deluxe sixed samples – if you haven’t already GO AND GRAB THAT OFFER on origins.com). Not sure if is worth £16 though. Probably won’t repurchase unless is through the same offer.

4. Lashem Lash Enhancing Serum – This was received as a teeny sample in a LoveMeBeauty box, and having never tried a lash enhancing serum before I was very excited to try it out. I struggled a bit with the routine of it for a while (apply every morning and evening) and I did get some liquid in my eyes sometimes (my own carelessness – the brush is actually really precise) but I got the hang of it after a while. I’ve been using it for about a week and I can already see a difference in my eyelashes. Longer, softer and more are some words that describe the change. Punchline: This definitely works. I now have less need for eyeliner, as my lash line has become much stronger due to my fresh abundance of eyelashes, and of course less need for mascara due to a) the abundance and therefore intensity and b) the impressive length. And they’re silky-smooth!

DHC deep cleansing oil

5. DHC Deep Cleansing Oil – Best cleanser. Best cleanser ever. Blackheads go poof. Spots go poof. Also apparently ageing goes poof. This will also leave your face non-oilywhich I think is because of the ‘unique water-soluble formula’ that rinses every last drop of this off your face so no oil is left (but it is gentle and doesn’t strip the face).

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil make-up remover completely dissolves all traces of dirt and cosmetics – even waterproof mascara and eyeliner – while nourishing your complexion with antioxidant-rich olive oil. Using dry hands, massage it onto your dry face, and it immediately goes to work. Add water and it transforms to a milky, vitamin-rich emulsion that rinses clean, leaving your skin feeling soft and nurtured; never dry or greasy. One try and you’ll understand why it’s the ultimate cleanser.

  • In a clinical study, 92% of participants agreed Deep Cleansing Oil worked better than a leading cleanser at removing complexion make-up
  • Unique water-soluble formula rinses thoroughly
  • Rich in vitamins and antioxidants
  • Nourishes and hydrates for younger-looking skin
  • 1 sold every 10 seconds worldwide

I don’t know how this amazing oil works but my skin is hydrated, non-oily, blackhead-free and spot-free after just a week of use. In fact, this gentle oil clears out intense blackheads after just one wash. I remember drawing a cat nose on my actual nose with a kohl eyeliner one night, and waking up with blacker-than-black-heads that I thought would be on my face for weeks to come. But one swipe of this gorgeously smooth wonder-oil and my nose is blackhead free. Seriously. Completely wiped out they were – not even the faint ones left. I was astounded and proceeded to tell anyone who would listen. I have never seen that kind of result from another cleansing product.

In essence, this leaves me with a perfect face. What makes it a billion times better is that the 30ml bottle I have is only £4.50 and is lasting me forever (as you can see from the picture above), so I can definitely afford to repurchase! Yay!

ULTIMATE holy grail product.

So there was my first favourites post! Hope you enjoyed it and please please comment below (make sure to leave your blog link if you have one – I love finding new blogs to read!)



Follow me on Twitter: @SashHope

Hotel Chocolat Decadent Wishlist + Brand Focus

This wishlist is ‘decadent’ because I know I will never be able to afford any of these things without letting go of one of my internal organs.

These are the chocolate they serve in heaven, guys. My heaven anyway.

Hotel Chocolat chocolate is definitely my favourite, and I’ve tasted some of the best out there. They’re not too sickly that you feel you have to stop after one (in fact I often feel the very opposite) and you can taste the quality of the ingredients in every bite. I particularly love the mix of textures they try to incorporate into every chocolate design, and they’re always packed with flavour. They have one of the widest varieties of products I have ever seen from a chocolate shop. The range covers drinking chocolate, chocolate spread, pasta and pesto, horseradish, chutney, wine & spirits, and even beauty products in addition to some of the most original and diverse chocolates ever. But they haven’t forgotten the classics – their simple milk chocolate is the best I’ve ever tasted.

I seriously love this store.

Hotel Chocolat Decadent Wishlist

hotel chocolat

1. Large Chocolate Dipping Adventure

£35 for some melted chocolate and biscuits? You would have to be seriously opulent to pay that kind of money for something you could make at home. Doesn’t stop me from wanting it though, and I’m definitely NOT saying it’s not worth it – I’ve never tried it before so I have no means of knowing – if it lives up to the quality of most of the stuff I have tried, then it’s a whole lot more than just some marshmallows and chocolate dip.

Not only do I foresee fabulous quality and taste, I am also a huge fan of chocolate dipping pots so this is a personal want for me. The last chocolate dipping pot I had was at Choccywoccydoodah and it was fantastic. Felt totally sick afterwards but whatever.

2. A 12 Month Subscription Package to the Hotel Chocolat Tasting Club

‘Welcome to the Chocolate Tasting Club – the secret of Hotel Chocolat’s talent for innovative and exceptional chocolates. Every four weeks our Tasting Club members receive a new selection of chocolates, brimming with a mix of superb favourites and brand new recipes created by the ingenious chocolatiers in our development kitchen. Our members choose which of the new chocolates they love the most, and let us know through a special scoring system. The most highly voted go on to become chocolate superstars, appearing in our stores as special Selector chocolates and in our boxed selections. We call it Hotel Chocolat’s “Chocolate Democracy” – and you can be a part of it. We even make recipes dreamed up by our members, in our special ‘Create A Chocolate’ competition! Choose your selection – Mixed, All Dark, All Milk, No alcohol or Rare Cocoa – and treat yourself to exciting and original chocolate recipes created by Hotel Chocolat’s chocolatiers.’

What can I say? This sounds fabulous. I’ve tried the tasting club boxes before and enjoyed them immensely. You get two of each chocolate and the recipes may be new but are certainly very impressive, and the menus give great detail which I love as I always like to know what I’m eating. Rating them can be fun but mainly I can’t be bothered, although it is a nice idea. I love the surprise when the box arrives at your door, the anticipation when opening it, and then seeing the chocolates for the first time…

ME? A chocoholic? Don’t be ridiculous. Where on earth did you get such an idea anyway.

The only thing I don’t like about this box is that most of the time I’m never going to be able to taste the chocolates again, because they don’t actually go into production. Only some of the highest rated chocolates make it into the Hotel Chocolat stores.

3. Large Chocolatier’s Table

OK…So it’s huge. And costs £105. And contains every type of chocolate they sell. Which is why I want it so bad. 

It would be perfect! If I had a box with every single chocolate they make in it then I could try each one and make a note of how much I like it so I know exactly what to buy next time. No more of this ‘should I go for the one I know I like or try something new’ business, I will have power! The power of knowledge! And since knowledge is power, I will have the power of power! POWER!

And no more wasting money on chocolates I don’t like! I won’t need to take the risk because I’ll already know if I like them!

Oh, and obviously I get to eat all that chocolate. That’s a bonus too.

For that box, I would put on nine inch heels and play football with everyone who had previously respected me. WITHOUT A BRA. Just imagine.

I hope you enjoyed this rather detailed wishlist and brand focus and it maybe opened your eyes to a new world of chocolatey possibility.

Leave a comment telling us what you think of my choices, or what your favourite chocolate store is. And be sure to leave your blog link if you have one!

Thank you so much for reading,


Chatty Origins Mini Haul!

Having never done a ‘haul’ post before (as I am not one for going on a splurge trip) I decided to document my recent purchase at origins.co.uk which contains five things I am very excited to receive.

I first heard of Origins when their Clear Improvement active charcoal mask was included in someone’s favourite’s a while ago, and then their Drink Up intensive overnight mask appeared in someone else’s favourites. This is what started my on my Origins journey.

From then forth I have heard buzz after buzz around almost every product they sell, most of all being their Super Spot Remover. I decided, as one almost always does, to Google ‘Origins’; and there I discovered their website.

The first thing that struck me was the stark, uncompromising layout that to me didn’t look very planned or thought about…but then I saw the photography. The products are pictured with points of nature such as flowers, berries or plants which compliment the packaging and product perfectly, giving a much softer feel. The back-to-nature vibe of their products and photography is so intriguing. It makes one think that they have harnessed the simplest aspects of nature and transformed them into such an intricate, exquisite and careful formula that it will perform even the most acute of tasks. The ‘force of nature’ is also used, giving products a sense of power and strength, further encouraging the purchaser to trust it’s effectiveness. Even through their photography, it has now become clear to us, in our minds, that the products are exquisite, soft yet powerful, effective, intriguing, intricate…and we want them. NOW.

This is how I felt when viewing Origins’ website. I wanted everything remotely relevant to my skin…and some stuff that just looked pretty. I browsed and browsed, day after day, well aware that I couldn’t afford anything. It was very upsetting.

Then, the other day, I noticed that an offer had been launched up on the Origins website:

‘FREE 3 DELUXE SAMPLES with any serum or moisturiser purchase‘ *PLUS get a free pouch!

Now, being signed up to the Origins newsletter, I was well aware that this offer was coming. I was ready. I was prepared. I was damn excited.

But I didn’t know it was only serums and moisturisers.

‘I don’t want serums and moisturisers!! I want a face mask!!’ my rather upset mind began to think. ‘this sucks.’

But, having waited for a painfully long time for this offer, I decided to check if there were any serums or moisturisers I would want. I was feeling pretty hopeless because I don’t use serums at all and I had just bought myself a new moisturiser which I am perfectly happy with, so I wasn’t going to splurge on a much more expensive and probably no better one (besides, Origins aren’t exactly famous for their moisturisers).

I clicked on ‘shop serums’, scrolled right to the bottom and found…the Super Spot Remover! This had been one of my most wanted products from Origins (and my forehead had just exploded with horrible spotty blighters) so I was SO happy it counted as a serum even though it says it’s a gel! I have heard loads of buzz about it and apparently it REALLY works…so I splurged. Oh yes I did.

It was then time for me to choose my 3 deluxe samples. It wasn’t difficult – I was given a choice between 3-4 products I DESPERATELY wanted and some other ones I was completely uninterested in! I was SO happy to see my top two most wanted products, the Clear Improvement active charcoal mask and the Drink Up Intensive overnight mask on the menu, which I immediately clicked. It was then a choice between the Drink Up hydrating lip balm in Berry Splash and Modern Friction nature’s gentle dermabrasion. I was pretty certain I was going to choose the lip balm because I am a lip balm addict and I already have 4 full scrubs at home, so I did a little research on the scrub, just to make sure, and it turned out it was supposed to be age-soothing which I have no interest in anyway. So I went with the two masks and the lip balm. Yay!

I was very very excited for the arrival of these things so I could begin to clear up my skin in time for Sunday’s impending party. They arrived two days after they were ordered (best delivery service I’ve ever had!) and here they are…

OriginsIMG_0350 bb IMG_0352

No, I don’t have huge hands, the Super Spot Remover really is that small. Whilst reading about it I did hear a lot of ‘it IS tiny, but you only need such a small amount that it lasts so long’, which is why I was prepared for it to be a small, but not this small! It’s bigger in it’s picture on the website! I have to agree that you only need a tiny amount however, I put it on after my pamper session this evening and it absorbs beautifully leaving a nice matte finish, unlike some other spot solutions. How annoying is it when they don’t absorb at all and leave a horrible shiny finish? This isn’t like that at all, it’s so much better! Smells kinda weird though.

For the price I’m almost expecting it to eliminate my spots overnight, which would be ahmazing, and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard people say it does just that. Fingers crossed!

I was slightly disappointed with the size of the masks when I first saw them, I usually use a lot of face mask to get a thick covering so I’m worried how long these will last me. They are supposed to be deluxe samples meaning they’re supposed to last more than one use, so let’s hope they’ll live up to that. I’m definitely saving them for special occasions!

The lip balm size I’m a lot more happy with, I really think it will last me ages and it’s a perfect handbag size (much more convenient than a full size one). Excited to try this out later.

Grab use of this amazing offer now and click the link to purchase Super Spot Remover!

Before you go, leave a comment telling me if you have ever tried anything Origins. And be sure to leave your blog link if you have one! :)

Love from,


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This post was in no way endorsed or contributed to by Origins.

What Goes On My Lips!

My lip stuffs are a bountiful and beautiful collection, however not particularly diverse. It consists mostly of lip balms which I use to keep my lips from drying up and falling off, which takes a lot of work thanks to my abysmally dry skin. I have brands from The Body Shop to EOS, each providing different levels of effectiveness  and longevity on the lips.

I am trying to get more into lipstick but at the mo I just have a few colours. I seem to own a lot of lip gloss despite the fact I don’t wear it very often as it annoys me (actually probably more because I moved all my lip products on a really high shelf far away from my mirror and all my other make up so I can never be bothered to go up and get it) but I used to wear it quite a lot so I have a bit of a collection! All drugstore though, I had a tiny excuse for a budget back when I bought these!

As I have already sort of mentioned, I don’t use half of these products. At all. But writing this post has inspired me to get back into lippy products and now I plan to use the hell out of them! Except the unopened ones which I think I’m going to give away because I have way too many anyway.

lippy IMG_0307 eos

So there’s my collection! Most of it were gifts if I’m honest but I have contributed quite a few pennies to get this far! Ironically I bought another lip balm just after taking these photos, but it will have to remain a mystery until I blog about it separately later. Half of these things are things my grandma gave me for Christmas when I was younger, one being the Astor shine deluxe prismatic gloss which claims to last up to 6h. Granny has managed to give me eight of these over the years. I have to say, Granny – you did good! This is the best clear lip gloss I have ever tried; it’s the most long lasting, it makes my lips look plumper and gives them serious shine and glossiness, on its own or over any lip colour. It can also be layered up really thick depending on how much glamour you wish to inject into your look. It is my go-to lip gloss for a night out, especially when I want that extra boost of chic. I cannot sing its praises enough. It is truly a holy grail lip gloss.

lipstick mac lipstickkate moss lipstickFrom the left: Max Factor 894 Raisin, MAC A63 Lady Danger, Rimmel Kate Moss 05

Click the links to shop the products!

The Max Factor one was given to me by my mother in a kit containing that and some other Max Factor products in a cute folding bag with a how to use guide. This is my oldest and probably most used lipstick. Max Factor do not sell the exact same lipstick any more but they do sell the same colour in a different range which is what I have linked above.

The Body Shop lipgloss rimmel lipgloss

And here are my lip glosses! The ‘lip gloss’ tube in Cranberry Twist was my most used one when I was younger. I used it every day along with the other two that came with it in a set. Unfortunately I lost these other two and lost interest in the remaining one, veering instead towards the better known brands. This leads us on to the Rimmel Stay Glossy tubes which were given to me by my make up artist friend who had a few spare (she has worked for so many brands who give her free samples and now has so many that she simply gives them away…living the dream I say) and I really like the one in the middle – it’s got shimmer and glam and it would be my first choice if I wanted a tinted gloss on a night out. It’s fairly used for this reason, but I haven’t found it to have any out-of-this-world staying power despite what the name might suggest. The bottom one is slightly darker – DEFINITELY for eveningwear – and the top one is a barbie pop pink that’s nice to add a little fun to the mornings. The Body Shop ones were gifts and ones I will probably never use despite really liking them because I am one of those people who does not like sticking their finger in the pot. I want glossy lips, not sticky fingers!

nivealip balmFrom the left: EOS lip balm in Mint, Marks and Spencer Ingredients Shea Nut Lip Butter, The Body Shop lip butter in Shea, Lip Lishuss Vanilla Scent Lip Balm

Those not linked are part of sets

I forgot to include my Carmex Soothing Lip Balm because I don’t keep it with the others. I keep it where I can access it easily because sometimes my upper lip starts to flame up from chemicals in other lip products (if I overuse them) and this always sorts it out. Designed to treat cold sores, this ultra-soothing tingly balm contains camphor which alleviates burning and aloe butter, a natural plant-derived substance that heals and soothes. Menthol also cools and refreshes, offering relief from discomfort. I love this product as it’s tailored to my needs, feels GREAT on my lips (tingly and minty and soft…mmmm!) and it lasts for ages! I now permanently have my eye on Carmex.

The Body Shop lip butter smells good but does nothing for my lips. The Body Shop Shimmer Lip Balm in Lychee gives my lips a clear sparkle, but often sets off the irritation so I’ve stopped using it so much. The Miss Sports Dr. Balm is a tinted balm the colour of the packet and came free with another Miss Sporty purchase. I’ve not used it yet.

So that’s my collection! I could write more but I feel like I’m going on a bit so I’ll stop here and say thank you very much for reading!

Before you go, leave a comment telling me if you share any of my views or have your eye on any of these products, and be sure to leave your blog link if you have one!

Love from,


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On-Trend Sixties Retro NOTD – Cookies and Cream

Hello everyone! Smile because you can, and as a good friend often tells me, you’ll live longer. Unfortunately this usually leads to me thinking of death.

Retro is a word that for me gleams like a dazzling diamond out of every blog page, tweet or magazine and draws me in like a siren. I love anything retro, from outfits to nails to hair, which is why I’m currently thrilled that this delightful style has stormed the internet and firmly deposited itself on-trend. We are currently experiencing a nineties comeback (yay!) but the sixties are beginning to make some noise and I couldn’t be happier.

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I have created a sixties-inspired retro nail look to share with the world and encourage the rise of the sixties. I used the two nail paints above. First I applied Max Factor Glossfinity in Snow White (bottom in the picture) which did the job perfectly and provided opaque colour in just two layers. It also claims to keep my nails glossy for 7 days – I’ll be putting this to the test but it’s doing well so far – and we all know sparkles last forever so I’m hoping this will stay for a while! Next I applied one coat of Model’s Own Glitter Collection in Mixed Up which was bought from TK Maxx for only £2 (over half the regular price) on a whim – I’m sorry but I don’t think it is possible for any functioning human being to see that deal on that nail polish and just walk away – TOTALLY going against the ban I placed on myself from buying nail polish (click here to see why). And, voila! A black sparkly sprinkle over a snow white base. Reminds me of cookies and cream. Mmmm I want to eat my nails now that can’t be good

Since this nail look is basically monochrome, it goes with a huge variety or outfits and is casual, smart, and party proof! Wear anywhere, any time, for anything. Who can go wrong with cookies and cream?! Great for dieters – instead of eating the cookies, wear the cookies!

Love the sprinkle, hate the colour? Here are some other ideas:

IMG_0287 IMG_0288 IMG_0290


From the left: Northern Lights by Model’s Own, Blizzard by Model’s Own, sparkle nail polish by Claire’s, Pink Fizz by Model’s Own and Sparkle Touch in Glitter by Miss Sporty. Go on, add a bit of sparkle to your life! I always love spicing up a nail look by adding spinkles, even if it’s just to the ring finger nail. I absolutely love these nail polishes, they all create such different looks and last forever on your nails (although they can be a pain to remove)!

Read more about them here, and my recommended remover here!

Thank you so much for reading, but before you go, comment below telling me if you like the look, or if you are a fan of retro styles too!

Love from,


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