Chatty Origins Mini Haul!
Having never done a ‘haul’ post before (as I am not one for going on a splurge trip) I decided to document my recent purchase at which contains five things I am very excited to receive.
I first heard of Origins when their Clear Improvement active charcoal mask was included in someone’s favourite’s a while ago, and then their Drink Up intensive overnight mask appeared in someone else’s favourites. This is what started my on my Origins journey.
From then forth I have heard buzz after buzz around almost every product they sell, most of all being their Super Spot Remover. I decided, as one almost always does, to Google ‘Origins’; and there I discovered their website.
The first thing that struck me was the stark, uncompromising layout that to me didn’t look very planned or thought about…but then I saw the photography. The products are pictured with points of nature such as flowers, berries or plants which compliment the packaging and product perfectly, giving a much softer feel. The back-to-nature vibe of their products and photography is so intriguing. It makes one think that they have harnessed the simplest aspects of nature and transformed them into such an intricate, exquisite and careful formula that it will perform even the most acute of tasks. The ‘force of nature’ is also used, giving products a sense of power and strength, further encouraging the purchaser to trust it’s effectiveness. Even through their photography, it has now become clear to us, in our minds, that the products are exquisite, soft yet powerful, effective, intriguing, intricate…and we want them. NOW.
This is how I felt when viewing Origins’ website. I wanted everything remotely relevant to my skin…and some stuff that just looked pretty. I browsed and browsed, day after day, well aware that I couldn’t afford anything. It was very upsetting.
Then, the other day, I noticed that an offer had been launched up on the Origins website:
‘FREE 3 DELUXE SAMPLES with any serum or moisturiser purchase‘ *PLUS get a free pouch!
Now, being signed up to the Origins newsletter, I was well aware that this offer was coming. I was ready. I was prepared. I was damn excited.
But I didn’t know it was only serums and moisturisers.
‘I don’t want serums and moisturisers!! I want a face mask!!’ my rather upset mind began to think. ‘this sucks.’
But, having waited for a painfully long time for this offer, I decided to check if there were any serums or moisturisers I would want. I was feeling pretty hopeless because I don’t use serums at all and I had just bought myself a new moisturiser which I am perfectly happy with, so I wasn’t going to splurge on a much more expensive and probably no better one (besides, Origins aren’t exactly famous for their moisturisers).
I clicked on ‘shop serums’, scrolled right to the bottom and found…the Super Spot Remover! This had been one of my most wanted products from Origins (and my forehead had just exploded with horrible spotty blighters) so I was SO happy it counted as a serum even though it says it’s a gel! I have heard loads of buzz about it and apparently it REALLY works…so I splurged. Oh yes I did.
It was then time for me to choose my 3 deluxe samples. It wasn’t difficult – I was given a choice between 3-4 products I DESPERATELY wanted and some other ones I was completely uninterested in! I was SO happy to see my top two most wanted products, the Clear Improvement active charcoal mask and the Drink Up Intensive overnight mask on the menu, which I immediately clicked. It was then a choice between the Drink Up hydrating lip balm in Berry Splash and Modern Friction nature’s gentle dermabrasion. I was pretty certain I was going to choose the lip balm because I am a lip balm addict and I already have 4 full scrubs at home, so I did a little research on the scrub, just to make sure, and it turned out it was supposed to be age-soothing which I have no interest in anyway. So I went with the two masks and the lip balm. Yay!
I was very very excited for the arrival of these things so I could begin to clear up my skin in time for Sunday’s impending party. They arrived two days after they were ordered (best delivery service I’ve ever had!) and here they are…
No, I don’t have huge hands, the Super Spot Remover really is that small. Whilst reading about it I did hear a lot of ‘it IS tiny, but you only need such a small amount that it lasts so long’, which is why I was prepared for it to be a small, but not this small! It’s bigger in it’s picture on the website! I have to agree that you only need a tiny amount however, I put it on after my pamper session this evening and it absorbs beautifully leaving a nice matte finish, unlike some other spot solutions. How annoying is it when they don’t absorb at all and leave a horrible shiny finish? This isn’t like that at all, it’s so much better! Smells kinda weird though.
For the price I’m almost expecting it to eliminate my spots overnight, which would be ahmazing, and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard people say it does just that. Fingers crossed!
I was slightly disappointed with the size of the masks when I first saw them, I usually use a lot of face mask to get a thick covering so I’m worried how long these will last me. They are supposed to be deluxe samples meaning they’re supposed to last more than one use, so let’s hope they’ll live up to that. I’m definitely saving them for special occasions!
The lip balm size I’m a lot more happy with, I really think it will last me ages and it’s a perfect handbag size (much more convenient than a full size one). Excited to try this out later.
Grab use of this amazing offer now and click the link to purchase Super Spot Remover!
Before you go, leave a comment telling me if you have ever tried anything Origins. And be sure to leave your blog link if you have one! :)
Love from,
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This post was in no way endorsed or contributed to by Origins.
August 31, 2014 @ 11:58 am
I got the. Drink It Up mask in a set last Christmas – it’s by far the best moisture mask I’ve used and a little goes a long way. I’d read so many reviews on the Super Spot Remover but it seems to bring mine to the surface more :(
I was told the best way to apply it was with a cocktail stick so it doesn’t burn x
September 3, 2014 @ 7:08 am
I’m glad it only takes a little of the masks – hopefully it’ll make this sample go further.
That’s so interesting about the Super Spot Remover! I saw mine go down almost instantly and were substantially reduced the next morning.
Thanks for the tip x
September 2, 2014 @ 9:35 pm
I’ve always wanted to try Origins, especially the spot remover, but yeah I was shocked at how small it was too, especially for the price, which has always stopped me from purchasing!
The Makeup Directory
September 3, 2014 @ 7:33 pm
I can’t really tell you if it’s good value because it depends on how much you earn, but I definitely saw an improvement in my spots after just one use. By far the best spot treatment I’ve tried.
Small but mighty! You only need a tiny bit so the size isn’t so much of a problem.
If you’re thinking about it, now is the time due to that huge offer going on.
September 6, 2014 @ 5:22 am
Congrats on posting your first “haul”. :-) I love those Origins masks, both products are amazing! I hope you’re enjoying them, hun.
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