Awesome Life Hacks

Aloha everyone. Today I’m sharing with you some super cool tips and tricks I use in everyday life to make everything that little bit easier, and you can use them too!

I read about life hacks A LOT, and most of the time they never seem to be relevant to problems I have or things that I need to do. I instead made up my own little life hacks that are relevant to me and my life, hopefully meaning it would be relevant to the people around me as well. It’s a mix of beauty, hair, DIY, food, travel and everything really! Enjoy!

1. Struggling to find space in your handbag (especially in that tiny clutch on a night out)? Take out that bulky hand cream, pop down to the Body Shop and ask an assistant for a sample of one of their hand creams. You’ll get a dinky little pot which you can just slip in to your handbag without fuss! It lasts a good few uses too and is super light, unlike a full tube! And you’ll be doing your hands a favour – the Body Shop hand creams cater for specific needs such as ageing and weak nails (that’s the one I use) and do well to soften and moisturise hands.


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When the little tub runs out (or if you find it doesn’t work as well as your normal hand cream), you can always fill it up again with the hand cream of your choice, so you can continue to save space in your handbag. Recently I’ve been trying out dermaV10 anti-ageing hand & nail cream which was sent to me by the brand along with an anti-ageing moisturiser. DermaV10 is the UK’s fastest growing beauty brand and prides itself on providing cruelty-free products with prices starting from under £1. The brand has been around for a while but are just starting to make some noise! They rely on your positive feedback as advertising so they can keep product prices low. Their motto ‘Love yourself for less’ stays true to their products and this one doesn’t disappoint. It smells scrumptious and is formulated with beeswax and vitamin E which gives a rich formula to nourish and enrich the skin. The hand cream also has anti-ageing properties (you’re never too young for this) and SPF 10. This is from the Q10 Innovations range.

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And whilst you’re at it, you could swap your normal perfume bottle for a little sample vial you seem to collect everywhere, or just add that in if you don’t already carry perfume. Spritz once or twice throughout the day, or when you think the scent is wearing off. Quite long-lasting too; I can usually get a good two weeks use out of a sample vial. A good chance to try the perfume sample out before you buy!

2. Having a hairy frizz-attack? CAN’T FIND YOUR SERUM?! Don’t worry. Hand cream (in small amounts) can work as a temporary solution. Spread the cream around your hands as usual, but instead of rubbing it all in, tame down the frizzy parts of your hair. It’s probably best to wash your hair that evening. Also, be very careful not to use too much, especially on the scalp, as your hair can get greasy fast.

3. Still battling that frizz? This DIY leave in conditioner will tackle tangles and fight frizz for that extra day of no washing. Take a spray bottle (possibly an empty leave in conditioner bottle, if you’ve ran out and need a new one fast) and pour in it one part normal conditioner to three parts water. Add another part water if you are using a thicker conditioner, and stir stir stir! A few sprays throughout the day will keep things under control.

4. Use white eye shadow as a base for your other colours to make your eyes stand out. It helps the colour lasts longer and gives bright colours a pop. I can’t remember the first time I heard this tip – it’s so simple and easy yet surprisingly unknown!

5. Making pancakes? I am the worst at keeping the mix in the ladle on that dreaded journey from the bowl to the pan. One thing I’ve learnt from the internet? Put pancake mix in an (EMPTY) ketchup bottle for a reusable, no-mess experience! It also gives you a lot more control over how much mix you want in the pan. A squeezy ketchup bottle is best for this, not the chug-chug ones.

6. Going on holiday? Well, it is the summer – and who doesn’t want a tan? Tie a small piece of brightly coloured or easy to notice fabric to your luggage handle. This makes collecting your bag after a flight so much easier, as you can immediately see which bag is yours!

I hope those tips helped you along in your daily life and made things just that little bit easier!

Before you go, leave a comment saying what your favourite tip was from the list above, or drop us your own little tip (and be sure to put your blog link if you have one)

Thanks so much for reading,


Follow me on bloglovin and I’ll follow you back!

20 Questions Tag

Well hello everybody! This is my first post after my holiday and I have to say I missed all of you :(

This post is the 20 Questions Tag (well done Captain Obvious it’s in the title) for which I have been tagged by the lovely Karin J R (click that link right there to read her post) and will henceforth complete to the very best of my ability.

I have also been nominated for the Liebster award by katrionakinsandjuliekins, missbeautytricks and matildaelizabeth for which I am very grateful. However I have already received the award and have over 200 followers on twitter and bloglovin, so therefore I no longer qualify for this award :(

Here we go!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?

This is probably cheating but NO ONE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT RULES so I say my handbag with all my normal stuff in it e.g. hand cream, lip balm, PHONE obviously, perfume etc.

2. Favourite brand of make up?

OK, who asks a beauty blogger this question?! I refuse to answer this out of protest for respecting the bblogging world and our inability to commit. Also because it would take me about a week to decide and who wants a week-late post?

3. Fave flowers?

I’m not a big flowers person, I don’t own any nor will I buy and or be given some any time soon. I always do love it however when I see little snowdrops on the ground, looking white and preened and perfect, and it reminds me that beautiful things don’t always come from the most high-class environment.

4. Favourite clothing stores?

I’ going to say ASOS because it’s a brand that fits so many style needs and personalities and I always, ALWAYS find something I like there…not always a good thing, hello unhappy bank statement (I think I’ve used that before but whatever).

5. Fave perfume?

Honestly don’t have one! I haven’t bought myself a perfume in years, I get them as gifts and samples from magazines or make up stands. I’m currently using a Chanel Coco Mademoiselle sample, but I might go back to the Kylie Minogue Darling bottle I got for my birthday (read the review here).

6. Heels or flats?

I like to wear heels for special occasions but 90% of my life you’ll find me well grounded.

7. Do you make good grades?

Yes, I think so.

8. Fave colours?

Gotta love me some pastels, but I do tend to go for pink quite a lot too (I sound so girly).

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

No, I don’t really like fizzy drinks and I’m well aware all the sugar, chemicals and caffeine aren’t good for me anyway.

10. Do you drink juice?

Mmmmm, juice. I’m a juice snob so most of the time I’ll only go for freshly squeezed juices and otherwise I’ll have water (Mmmmm, water). But whenever I get the chance to have a freshly squeezed juice, I’l take it no matter the price! I could make it at home as I do own an orange pressing machine, but I generally cba to find the machine, clean the machine, set up the machine, etc etc. And you’d be surprised how little juice you can get out of one orange. Sure is good though.

11. Do you like swimming?

I love swimming! I wish I could go more often and it’s SO good for you because every part of your body gets exercise.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?


13. What’s you’re favourite moisturiser?

Yu-Be. It isn’t my daily moisturiser because I only have a sample from a Latest in Beauty box and I’m saving it for times when I really need it, but it’s super fantastic for reasons which I describe in this post.

14. Do you want to get married later on in life?

I definitely want to get married at some point.

15. Do you get mad easily?

I personally don’t think so but it would probably be best for someone else to judge this.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?


17. Any phobias?

Death and maggots.

18. Do you bit your nails?

If you saw my last NOTD post, you would be aware that I have beautiful, long, smooth and healthy nails. This is all thanks to my mum who payed me to stop biting my nails when I was 10.

19. Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Not yet!

20. Do you drink coffee?

Only if I really need it; for exam or similar.

There we have it! Now you all know a little more about me I encourage you to share a little about yourselves! Instead of tagging another blogger, I invite everyone to comment below an answer to one of the questions above (and be sure to leave your blog link if you have one!) Happy commenting!

Love from,


Follow me on bloglovin and I’ll follow you back! Link in sidebar :)

GUEST POST – Colour Blocking

Style Guide–color block

Color blocking is a method of wearing multiple solid colors in one outfit.

In color blocking no stripes or patterns are used  only solid block colors.

You can color block with clothes,shoes,bags and even accessories,colors like black ,white,or nude can be used as base colors for your outfit,but try not to color block more than three bright colors in one outfit.

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Colors That go together .


In order not to cause a color disaster you can use a color wheel to create a great color block outfit.

Use the brighter colors to dress the part of your body that you want to show off and the darker clor used for a slimming look.

Be creative,ply with your colors ,don’t feel bad if you mess up we learn from our mistakes be confident be chic colors are a beautiful thing. Until next time …xo kattz.


Cathlee Patterson

Step By Step NOTD – Sea Crush

Hello All! As you’re reading this, I will be away on an internet-free holiday! Apologies if I DIE from internet withdrawal symptoms. So I still love receiving comments so although I won’t be able to approve them until I get back I would still love you to write them for me! Same goes for bloglovin and twitter, I still love you to follow me even if I can’t follow you back right now! Thanks so much guys and I really hope you’ll continue to read my blog even when I’m not promoting it on twitter :)

Speaking of which how nice would it be if I came back to a massive milestone of followers?! That would make me so happy hint hint nudge nudge

Right, enough shameless self-plugging. This post is actually about what I’m wearing on my nails! This is not one, but two nail polishes, and it’s a combination I wear quite often. I named it sea crush because the colour is a mix of blue and candy apple green and it reminds me of the bluey green of the sea. It also has sugary bobbly bits on the top which reminded me of crushed sugar, hence the name sea crush!

Hope you enjoy!


Coat your nails in The Body Shop Almond Nail & Cuticle Oil before filing. I do this because I like to use all my nail products when I paint my nails! This also really sounds like something that would do my nails and cuticles some good. It makes my nails super shiny too!

Next, file your nails into the desired shape. I like my nails to be long and rounded and I use this rectangular nail file from Claire's. TOP TIP: File in one direction only on each side of the nail (from the sides upwards towards the middle), do not go back and forth as this weakens the nail fibres leading to breakage and splits.

Next, file your nails into the desired shape. I like my nails to be long and rounded and I use this rectangular nail file from Claire’s. TOP TIP: File in one direction only on each side of the nail (from the sides upwards towards the middle), do not go back and forth as this weakens the nail fibres leading to breakage and splits.


This hand and nail cream from Neutrogena strengthens the nails by up to 200%. I rave about this cream a lot and use it very often, as you can see I’m running out!


Apply the cream as so with a miniature dollop on each nail, then rub it in until it has all been absorbed by the nail.

Apply the cream as so with a miniature dollop on each nail, then rub it in until it has all been absorbed by the nail.


Your nails are now ready for some colour! This creamy, sugary green colour from Models Own reminds me of a mint milkshake!


And it’s scented too! It’s one of the Models Own Fruit Pastel range, they’re all scented and come in simply gorgeous pastel shades, perfect for summer! This colour is called Apple Pie.


Apply the polish with firm and even brush strokes.


As you can see, one coat doesn’t really give you solid colour. In fact, the clear unevenness of the nail was what inspired this look in the first place – I knew it would be terribly thick, globby and even more uneven if I did another coat of the same polish, so instead I used something more opaque to add a bit of texture.


Now it’s time to apply the second nail polish! This one is Atlantic Road 324 from Barry M. Loving the name – the colour is like the Atlantic and the texture is like a road! I actually had no idea it was textured when I bought it (yes, I am aware it says it on the bottle), I just liked the colour! I also own the colour Kingsland Road 316 from the same collection, it’s a peachy baby pink colour. They go together as a baby pink and baby blue!


Apply so it covers all the green, but don’t make the blue colour too thick and opaque or you won’t be able to see the green underneath, making the whole thing pretty pointless.


And here’s the finished nail! Super cute, right?


Look at it compared to the previous colour – it smooths out the pigment whilst adding a bit on totally on-trend texture!

This was my first NOTD post so I really hope you guys liked it!

As always, I love to receive your comments even if I can’t approve them just yet! I’d love to have a lovely long list when I get back! :)

Thank you so much for reading <3

Love from,


Like this post? Follow on Bloglovin! I’ll follow you back when I can!

Guest Post – Back to Class Top 5 Essentials


Whether it’s back to class, back to uni or back to work, there is simply no reason to deny yourself of some of the gorgeous stationary available on the high street at the minute. (There’s no reason anyway, I’m shamefully addicted to pretty stationary). I’ve handpicked five of my ultimate favourites and definite purchases I will be planning on making before the new semester begins!

1. Acrylic desk pot from MUJI

When I’m on a beauty blog roll, scouring the internet for interesting beauty posts and new bloggers to follow, there’s a reoccurrence of acrylic storage! Simple and unobtrusive, why not use the storage for stationary, too? I’ll be saving up to purchase a whole collection. Also, Muji is so affordable and cute. 

2.  Filofax from Paperchase

I don’t know where I would be without my Filofax, I currently use my mums old red leather one, but this colour is a sure fire way of keeping Summer colouring with you even if the sun doesn’t stick around. They’re so handy, from planning lectures, keeping notes on events and birthdays, and for bloggers it’s a great way to plan posts when you’re out and about and have an idea! 

3. Sharpies from Ryman*

What on earth is the point in writing if you can’t make it pretty?! I’m kidding, but it does help. I can’t study notes unless I’m looking at something appealing but that’s just me. It’s always handy to have a beautiful set of colours on hand for when you fancy them. They’re also on offer at the minute!

4. Abstract Wooden Notepad from Paperchase*

Just something a little different really. I love how the pad has a wooden cover, which means it won’t rip or get damaged (I tend to carelessly chuck things in my bag at the end of a busy day). Paperchase stock gazillions of notepads and notebooks, from navajo to floral – it’s really worth having a look, this was my personal favourite. 

5. Heart Sticker Sheet from Ebay

Because…Why not? They’d look super cute stuck on important days in your diary, act as jazzy alternatives to bullet points or would even be a little inexpensive way to personalise your room – be creative! 

So that’s my checklist of things I’ll make sure I take to university when I return in September. What are your ultimate stationary must-haves? Are you a bit of a stationary hoarder too? 

(Items marked with asterisks indicate websites that provide STUDENT DISCOUNT! YAY!)

Written by the lovely Eleni from :)

7 Haircare Tips I Couldn’t Live Without

Hello, all! I have been doing rather hairy posts recently and I thought I would add to the hairy fun with my 7 Haircare Tips I Couldn’t Live Without. I, along with most of you, have hair and am always striving to make the most out of it. To help you on your haircare journey of discovery here are some tried and tested tips to voom-ify your hair.

1. This one is courtesy of my hairdresser at Regis salons. She told me to treat my hair like my favourite fluffy jumper. You wouldn’t wash it unnecessarily at regular intervals in the week, you would only wash it if it got dirty or really needed it. This preserves it’s colour, texture and quality. The moral of the story is don’t wash your hair too often. It may be tempting to wash it before it gets greasy but overwashing is damaging to your hair and does it no good at all. Wait until it needs the wash, then wash it.

2. Thick, voluminous hair in an instant? Oh yes! This tip was found in an earlier edition of Vogue magazine. Although blowdrying your hair upside down is a surefire way to increase volume, a lesser known daily trick is to brush your hair upside down (and then again the right way up if it needs it). This is a lot quicker and can be done every morning without heat-traumatizing your hair. It pumps up the volume without side effects…have we died and gone to hair heaven here?!

3. Talking of blowdrying, anyone suffer from frizz-mania after they’ve finished? I used to, until I discovered what I was doing wrong. This tip is from the Elle magazine website. Point the airflow of the hairdryer down the shaft of the hair – if the hairdryer points down, the hair will stay down! Makes sense really, doesn’t it? Point the airflow upwards and the hairs will rise upwards individually, therefore hello frizz.

4. This is a very simple fact that I’ve found is surprisingly unknown. When your hair is wet, it is very fragile and susceptible to breakage. Using a normal hairbrush will cause damage and breakage to the hair fibre as it is much too harsh. Instead, use a wide tooth comb or a tangle teezer when your hair is wet, which are much gentler on the hair and will not cause breakage. For blowdrying, use a tangle teezer whilst the hair is still substantially wet.

5. This is something I have been doing for a long while to smooth down flyaways in my braids. Apply hair gel to your already braided hair to increase the longevity and neatness of the braid. It can also be used to direct flyaways back into the braid to keep it smooth and tidy. It makes your hair super shiny too, which is always a bonus!

6. Another braidy tip for my long haired chums is to apply a deep conditioner to the remaining hair at the end of your braid. It is a great way to keep your ends nourished so they don’t get dry or (shock horror) split, and this can be a real problem when your hair gets really long because the nutrients in your scalp oils don’t travel so far down the hair shaft. It is also much more subtle to apply when your hair is in a braid than if it was down. You could even apply it to the whole braid if your hair was really troublesome!

7. This is one I hate doing, but it works just the same so I thought I should share. Rinse hair with cold water post-condition. This leaves hair silky smooth and radiant. It also seals the cuticle of the hair which reduces frizz. Personally, I can’t stand having cold water on my head after a nice cold bath! But it’s a great tip for the more brave amongst you!

I hope you enjoyed my haircare tips! My hair is a big part of my look so although I am not an expert in all things hair, I have spent a lot of time and money and tried and tested many different techniques so I feel I can at least help to guide you towards your perfect hair destination!

Before you go, leave a comment with your favourite haircare tip (and be sure to leave your blog link if you have one!)


SASHA x <3

Guest Post – “Cheeky” NOTD and Midi Ring Love

Well hello there, this is actually my very first guest post! Oh wait, I forgot to introduce my self.. I’m Amy and a run a little fashion and beauty blog called Style Storms. The lovely Sasha has let me share my ramblings on her blog! Yay!

I’ve decided to chitter chatter away to you lovely lot about my recent purchase and a “cheeky” nail of the day.

Midi rings are just cute little accessories aren’t they? I was browsing the Black Tied shop on Esty, when I seen these beauty’s. They arrived in the post yesterday and I just had to share them with you.


I have to admit my nail aren’t the greatest or longest but they just refuse to grow. Anyhow, I don’t let it stop me from using my huge Orly collection. I’m currently loving this shade “Cheeky” from their range. I think it’s a kind of peachy pink shade, would you agree? It’s very cute and girly. Just how I like my nail shades.


Two ways which I’d wear my midi rings, I haven’t decided which I prefer best yet. So I’d love your thoughts on it! I’m adoring the little cross detailing too.

Usually when it comes to rings, I swear by my Pandora ring the boyfriend bought me. I can see myself mixing it up more after getting these.

Hoped you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing! If you fancy hearing more of my chatter you can find me at:


Guest post: DIY banana milkshake exfoliating mask


How are you?

I’m Lizzie from creative blog Head full of flowers and today I’ll be showing you how to make one of my favourite quick and easy facial masks/cleansers that smells like banana milkshake and really exfoliates, reduces redness and refreshes the skin.

Before I begin I’d like to say a big thank you to the wonderful Sasha for allowing me to guest post on her amazing blog here today. It’s such a privilege and I’m so happy to have the opportunity to talk to you, her wonderful readers and share a little snippet of what I do on my own blog with you!

You will need:

A handful of oats

1tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp ginger

1/4 tsp olive oil

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 banana, sliced

To make:

Simply mix all ingredients together well until you meet desired consistency, if necessary add a few drops of water to help this process.

To use:

Use mask immediately. Damp face, apply mask to face and neck. Leave for 10-20 minutes and then rinse and pat dry.

(I recommend using a sieve if you’re using a sink!)

I really hope you’ve enjoyed this DIY!

For more DIYs, cruelty free beauty and other creative bits and bobs please feel free to check out my blog-it makes my day! You can also find me on instagram, twitter and pinterest @Liz___zie

Thanks so much, have a wonderful day,


My Haircare Product Of Choice

Hello my lovelies! I hope you’re all having spiffing days. WordPress has put wiggly red line under ‘spiffing’ just there. How disgraceful. We should revolt and eat crumpets in protest.

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I felt so creative using the ribbon but now I kinda think it looks a bit daft

CameraAwesomePhoto CameraAwesomePhoto (4) CameraAwesomePhoto (8) CameraAwesomePhoto (2) Today I thought I would share with you two of my favourite products that I use very often and absolutely love.

I went into the hairdressers a couple of months ago with the intent of finding a shampoo and conditioner that were perfectly suited to my hair. I was tired of ‘ultimate shine’, ‘ultimate volume’, ‘ultimate frizz protection’, ‘ultimate softness’ and all that malarkey. I was fed up having to choose between all of them; there must be one that gives me all of them, I thought.

However, I didn’t trust myself to find this ‘perfect’ hair wash. I spent hours on the internet searching, but they all seemed to want to place me into a particular box, and I thought I fit into most of the boxes. This made it very hard for me to find something that fit all of my needs.

This is why I decided to enlist the help of my hairdresser. I thought, this would be a person who can see exactly what hair type I am, exactly what my hair needs and exactly what product would give this to me.

Now, I have never really been one to stick with hairdressers. There are four or five hair salons on my high street and I have visited all of them, each time being tended to by a different hairdresser. This doesn’t really bother me as most of the time I just want a simple wash and trim with slight layering at the front, which any hairdresser could do. So I don’t have very much reason just to stick with one; I prefer to let the receptionist decide what is most convenient at my scheduled time.

At the time, I was switching between Regis and Tony and Guy. Both respectable hair salons, and I was happy with both of them, but I knew I wanted Regis for this one. The reasoning behind this is that Regis sells many different brands in their salons, so I felt like I was getting a real personal recommendation. In Tony and Guy, they only sold their own brand, so I had no way of knowing whether the product was really the best one for my hair, or just the best one in the Tony and Guy collection (I think it’s called label m). So I booked me an appointment at Regis.

I began by explaining to the lovely hairdresser that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing when it comes to haircare. I told her I was looking for the products, focusing on shampoo and conditioner, that would make my hair all those things I wanted it to be; voluminous, shiny, sleek, soft, weightless, moisturised at the ends, non-greasy on the scalp, long, manageable, etc. and her answer was something I had not expected.

Firstly, she began explaining to me how it was pretty impossible to achieve all these things. Volume shampoos, she said, create volume by stripping the hair of it’s natural oils. This takes away the shine. It was kind of obvious really; dry shampoo makes your hair voluminous because it absorbs and therefore removes the oils on your scalp, but even so I was heartbroken to realise that I couldn’t get everything I wanted.

Just then, I spotted a promotion package on the table in front of me. It was a Kerastase volume treatment which promised voluminous and shiny hair. I pointed this out to the hairdresser. Her excuse was that Kerastase is an extremely expensive brand, so unless you are willing to pay that amount of money, you won’t be able to achieve volume and shine together.

So, after the shocking realisation that I cannot have everything, she proceeded to enquire what my main priority was. I decided, reluctantly, that I just wanted my hair to be the best it can be.

She then went on to tell me that if I, instead of using products simply labelled for ‘shine’ or ‘smoothness’, used the products that would restore my hair to it’s natural health, the shine and smoothness etc. would follow. In other words, I shouldn’t try and find the shine. If I care for my hair, the shine will come to me.

After this revelation had been digested, she presented me with this shampoo and conditioner duo from Paul Mitchell. I am not used to Paul Mitchell. Up to this point, I had used products from John Frieda, VO5, L’oreal and the like. This would explain why I am also not used to a price tag of £20. And it was on offer.

If it hadn’t been on offer, I probably wouldn’t have bought it, but I splurged knowing that if I didn’t buy it now I’d have to pay more later.

So far, I am very impressed with the results. My hair is shiny, feels great, looks great and is very manageable. I also enjoy the feeling that I am not simply slapping temporary, artificial shine on my hair, but that the shine is really coming from the inside. The product is also very natural (something Paul Mitchell is famous for) and I really think it’s perfect for my hair as I don’t dye my hair or use heated appliances very often, so an instant moisture kind of thing is much better for me than a rich, deep moisture. This also prevents my scalp from getting greasy too quickly.

Would I repurchase this duo, I hear you cry? I am going to have to have a long hard think about this when I run out. If I run out. This has lasted me what feels like forever and I think it’ll last me a whole lot longer. The reason for this, despite it’s almost daily use and a great loss of it on one fateful journey back from France, is that the treatment is so thick that you only need a very small amount (depending on how much hair you have, of course). It is pricey, but considering how long lasting it is it may even be better value than some of the high street brands I’ve been using.

If you are looking for a new haircare product or just something epic to splurge on, buy this product here or from your local salon.

What’s your favourite haircare product?



Like this post? Follow on bloglovin and I’ll be sure to follow back!

Liebster Award


This was originally going to be a NOTD post but then I got a very interesting tweet detailing something much more pressing and important:


At which can I just say, eep!

I was researching the Liebster award after I found out about it the other day and I got rather depressed thinking that I would probably never get one. :(


Firstly thank you so so much to Amy from the blog Style Storms for nominating me it made me super super happy and I never imagined this would happen! Also about three days after I discovered the award in the first place. Weird, huh?


Rules of the Liebster Award

1) You have to link back to the person that nominated you.

2) Write 11 facts about yourself.

3) You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.

4) After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.

5) You must not nominate the person who nominated you.

6) You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

11 Facts About Me

1) I think I might be the only person in the western world who doesn’t own an iPhone. I’m still stuck with my stupid Blackberry which I stupidly signed a two year contract for back when they were cool. If I don’t get an iPhone in the next week I think I might cry.

2) My mum owns a box which I call ‘My Box’, and in it contains all my work from school and summer camp and my baby shoes and certificates and all things from my childhood which we considered too precious to throw away (those science projects took me forever, you know). She says she will open the box and show me the contents when I have children of my own. I am looking forward to this day.

3) I am Jewish, a fact about which everyone I meet who is not from London seems to get pretty surprised about. For some unfathomable reason they seem to assume that I am ultra-religious, when in fact I am not. I would not even call myself semi-religious. Because bacon? Yum.

4) I am a dedicated food snob who enjoys eating at Michelin star restaurants, but only if I find deals on Toptable (now Opentable) and I can only afford it if the price for the set lunch menu (which I almost always get because it is cheap) is under £30. I do this with my mum, and it is a tradition I enjoy very much.

5) I am a Hotel Chocolat addict. Mmmmmmmmmmmm yummy.

6) I don’t fill in my eyebrows. I hope none of the other bloggers reading this have fainted. I genuinly don’t need to; I never over-plucked and my eyebrows are big, thick and dense on their own. I am very grateful for this and have probably saved a lot of money on eyebrow pencils. Although the excellent growth does mean they are very unruly and have to get threaded very often, which is not fun may I tell you.

7) My favourite actress is Tamsin Greig who features in most, but not all, of the TV show I love, including Friday Night Dinner, Black Books, Green Wing (all on 4oD) and Episodes (BBC). Some of these roles are quite opposite but she plays each one very well and I respect that.

8) I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.

9) I have a beautiful cat whom I love. When I got back from Turkey it was discovered he had got into a fight whilst I was away and had been bitten on the leg. He was limping and looked quite dazed. I was very worried but it was OK and he is recovering very well thanks to the lovely vet who gave him an injection that he didn’t like very much. He is old and tired but I love him just the same.

10) My best friend’s guinea pig passed away just over a week ago. RIP Suela-Pig.

11) I wasn’t half as obsessed with beauty products before I started blogging as I am now. Heck, I didn’t even know what a pigment was. I know, what kind of rock was I living under?

Answers to Amy’s Questions

1. What do you love most about blogging?

I really love that I get to share the interesting things in my life with people who care. And as my followers grow, I love that I am making an influence on people’s lives.

2. What was the last thing you ate?

I am currently eating my makeshift breakfast, which is a pot from my graze box. It’s called Little Figgy Went To Market and it contains dried apple, cranberries and diced figs dusted with rice flour, all of which I love!

3. What colour nail polish are you wearing, if you are?

This one!

This one! It’s got bobbly bits in it and I’m going to do a NOTD with it soon.

4. You’re stuck on a desert island and you’re allowed to take three things with you. What would you take?

I’m going to go with the conventional and rather boring 1. food 2. water 3. helicopter summoner or similar as expect phone will not have connection. Sorry but I don’t particularly want to die on this island.

5. What age did you start wearing make up?

I started properly wearing make up when I was 13 but I tried and failed at it quite a lot since the age of 11. I always got confused and never could figure out when my friends were going to wear loads of make up and when they were going to wear none, so I usually did it the wrong way round. By the time I was 13 I just gave up on trying to fit in and generally went with wearing more make up than any of my friends combined. I enjoyed wearing make up this way and was fed up with caring what people thought or if they were judging me on it, which they probably were. But I was being who I was and I didn’t care.

6. What’s your favourite thing to blog about?

Weirdly enough, the first thing that comes to my mind is haircare. My hair is a huge part of my look so it’s really important I get it lookin’ good, and I enjoy sharing how I do this!

7. Who is your role model?

I’ve always hated this question! I don’t really compare myself to other people, and I don’t idolise one specific any person or people. Instead I like to set goals for myself which I look up to, I guess I am idolising a certain future me.

8. Besides blogging, what do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy watching the TV shows I listed above, reading, and twitter. Lots of twitter.

9. What beauty product could you not live without?

I’m not sure if this is a specific product or not, but I think if I went without lip balm then my lips would dry up and fall off. Does that count…?

10. Chocolate or crisps?

Chocolate. All day and every day.

11. What is your favourite clothing shop?

This is a really tough one! I’m going to go for ASOS because I know I will always, ALWAYS find something I like. Which can sometimes be a bit of a problem, hello unhappy bank statement.

Now time to nominate other bloggers…I’m not sure what kind of ‘followers’ the liebster award rules are referring to, but I’m going to go with bloglovin followers.

My Nominees

(In no particular order)

The Kats Paws

Caledonian Kitty

Ella Was Here

Karin Jr

Velvet Blush

Bags Of Style

Pretty Quirky

Just Kirsten

Eleni Mac

Brenda Busy Bee

Ems Says

My Questions For Them

1. Do you speak another language? If not, would you like to?

2. If I gave you £100 to give to charity, which charity would you donate to and why?

3. Favourite type of foreign food?

4. Chicken or beef? (Or vegetarian?)

5. You can only ever buy high end OR drugstore make up from now on. You earn the same amount of money. Which do you choose?

6. Evening make up in the daytime or daytime make up in the evening?

7. You can buy EITHER make up OR clothes for the rest of your life. You are allowed to keep your current collection of both. Your current make up and clothes are magical and they last forever. Which do you choose?

8. If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would it be?

9. What is your blogging aim? E.g. Get 2000 bloglovin followers, you can write your aim for this week/month or your ultimate aim.

10. Do you prefer having one best friend or a group of friends?

11. Would you rather wear the same colour lipstick or the same colour nail polish forever?

Hope you enjoyed this post :)



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