My Favourite Blogs – The Hope Blogger Awards!

Bonjour, everyone! A bit of a different post for you today. I’ve been reading more and more blogs recently and I really felt I should give my amazing new finds some credit for their fabulous work. They all really deserve it, I know how much hard work it takes to run a blog, and I can only imagine how much it must take to run a really successful one!

Before we start, if you click on these links and realise that all of these blogs are far better than mine, please don’t ditch me. I am genuinely scared this will happen.

This is especially relevant with the Cosmo shortlisting that’s been going on, so maybe we should call this The Hope Blogger Awards. I like that name.

The Hope Blogger Awards 2014

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you were not included in these awards, please do not be offended. It is probably through a fault of my own, most likely that I haven’t given you a chance. If you believe this is the case then please leave me your link so I can get reading or your twitter so we can get chatting, and you may be shortlisted in the next Hope Blogger Awards!


Blogs I Most Enjoy Reading Shortlist:

A Yellow Brick Blog – I love everything about this blog. The fresh, clean yet girly layout, the friendly, funny and personal writing style and the beautifully original posts (her ‘dress like disney’ series is so cute and I can see the work she puts into it; I still love it even though it’s almost completely pointless) are just a few. This blog is light-hearted, humorous and fun – and the photography isn’t half bad either! With 2287 bloglovin followers, this blog simply sells itself. To be honest, I’m quite surprised she wasn’t shortlisted in the Cosmo awards (although the Hope Awards are obviously much more important).

Thumbelina Lillie – This lovely blog was nominated in the Cosmo awards (not that I care), and quite rightly too. I love the photography, the variety of posts and the writing style, which is quite different to that of the above blog. It’s more to-the-point especially with reviews, but still has a bit of humour and personality thrown in, which is just how I like it really! I feel like it’s more down to earth, and the posts are useful and relevant. I can SO see why this blog has 2775 followers on bloglovin.

Temporary Secretary – The product photography. Is. Fantastic – I always keep her ‘Photography tips for beauty bloggers’ post open on my browser because she has such great tips, if my photos were half as good as hers (they’re not) then I would be a happy bunny! I also love the template/layout (not too pleased about the adverts though) and the writing is also very good. Very light and bright, but when it comes down to it the reviews can be very detailed. It is a joy to read, and to look at.

Bags Of Style Blog – A blog about bags. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe a little bit more – there’s something about it that just keeps me coming back even though I’m not a very baggy person (Hm. baggy person). Perhaps it is the expert nature of the posts, which makes me think she is some sort of bag-expert with a full blown degree or something. Or perhaps it is her astounding ability to create such a diverse range of posts whilst still talking about the same thing – bags. She has an amazing personal style that shows through in her posts (and her bags!) and she does some lovely photography. This blog deserves much more credit than it is currently getting.

My Pale Skin – Not only do I find this blog incredibly helpful in dealing with my own pale skin, it also features some of the best face photography I have ever seen, making the FOTD’s and tutorials so clear and easy to follow and recreate. I guess it does help if you’re super pretty. As with most of the nominated blogs, the layout is clear, simple and uncluttered and there is an impressive variety of posts. The make up looks she creates are also some of the most beautiful I have seen. I’m sure it is easy to see why she has 1249 bloglovin followers!

Ems Says – I guess I just really like this blog because I’m interested in all the posts. The products she posts about are relevant to me and my life, more so than other blogs. I’m not exactly sure why or how this happens; maybe we were BFFs in a past life or something. This keeps me interested because I really feel like I’m not wasting my time reading random posts I’ve been sucked into about products that I’ll never buy or places I’ll never go. I always feel like I’ve gained something from reading her blog! Once again, beautiful writing style. Needs way more credit.

Friendliest Bloggers Shortlist:

For all you bloggers out there who don’t feel established enough in the community, these lovely ladies will welcome you right in! I treasure all of their mini convos on twitter, or just really friendly and lovely tweets/emails. An example to the blogging community! Here are their names/blog names and the ways in which I keep in contact with them.


Emily Louise – @Emilybretnall

Abi Kempen – @Kemples1

Style Storms (Amy) – @stylestorms_

Thumbelina Lillie – @MeganJaneLillie

Katie – @Lipstickbblog

Jules – @LikesLippy

Teenage Beauty Blogger (Mia) –

Velvet Blush – @velvetblushx


The winner of each category will be announced soon, so keep your eyes open and on this blog!

The prize is eternal glory, by the way.



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