Liebster Award


This was originally going to be a NOTD post but then I got a very interesting tweet detailing something much more pressing and important:


At which can I just say, eep!

I was researching the Liebster award after I found out about it the other day and I got rather depressed thinking that I would probably never get one. :(


Firstly thank you so so much to Amy from the blog Style Storms for nominating me it made me super super happy and I never imagined this would happen! Also about three days after I discovered the award in the first place. Weird, huh?


Rules of the Liebster Award

1) You have to link back to the person that nominated you.

2) Write 11 facts about yourself.

3) You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.

4) After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.

5) You must not nominate the person who nominated you.

6) You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

11 Facts About Me

1) I think I might be the only person in the western world who doesn’t own an iPhone. I’m still stuck with my stupid Blackberry which I stupidly signed a two year contract for back when they were cool. If I don’t get an iPhone in the next week I think I might cry.

2) My mum owns a box which I call ‘My Box’, and in it contains all my work from school and summer camp and my baby shoes and certificates and all things from my childhood which we considered too precious to throw away (those science projects took me forever, you know). She says she will open the box and show me the contents when I have children of my own. I am looking forward to this day.

3) I am Jewish, a fact about which everyone I meet who is not from London seems to get pretty surprised about. For some unfathomable reason they seem to assume that I am ultra-religious, when in fact I am not. I would not even call myself semi-religious. Because bacon? Yum.

4) I am a dedicated food snob who enjoys eating at Michelin star restaurants, but only if I find deals on Toptable (now Opentable) and I can only afford it if the price for the set lunch menu (which I almost always get because it is cheap) is under £30. I do this with my mum, and it is a tradition I enjoy very much.

5) I am a Hotel Chocolat addict. Mmmmmmmmmmmm yummy.

6) I don’t fill in my eyebrows. I hope none of the other bloggers reading this have fainted. I genuinly don’t need to; I never over-plucked and my eyebrows are big, thick and dense on their own. I am very grateful for this and have probably saved a lot of money on eyebrow pencils. Although the excellent growth does mean they are very unruly and have to get threaded very often, which is not fun may I tell you.

7) My favourite actress is Tamsin Greig who features in most, but not all, of the TV show I love, including Friday Night Dinner, Black Books, Green Wing (all on 4oD) and Episodes (BBC). Some of these roles are quite opposite but she plays each one very well and I respect that.

8) I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up.

9) I have a beautiful cat whom I love. When I got back from Turkey it was discovered he had got into a fight whilst I was away and had been bitten on the leg. He was limping and looked quite dazed. I was very worried but it was OK and he is recovering very well thanks to the lovely vet who gave him an injection that he didn’t like very much. He is old and tired but I love him just the same.

10) My best friend’s guinea pig passed away just over a week ago. RIP Suela-Pig.

11) I wasn’t half as obsessed with beauty products before I started blogging as I am now. Heck, I didn’t even know what a pigment was. I know, what kind of rock was I living under?

Answers to Amy’s Questions

1. What do you love most about blogging?

I really love that I get to share the interesting things in my life with people who care. And as my followers grow, I love that I am making an influence on people’s lives.

2. What was the last thing you ate?

I am currently eating my makeshift breakfast, which is a pot from my graze box. It’s called Little Figgy Went To Market and it contains dried apple, cranberries and diced figs dusted with rice flour, all of which I love!

3. What colour nail polish are you wearing, if you are?

This one!

This one! It’s got bobbly bits in it and I’m going to do a NOTD with it soon.

4. You’re stuck on a desert island and you’re allowed to take three things with you. What would you take?

I’m going to go with the conventional and rather boring 1. food 2. water 3. helicopter summoner or similar as expect phone will not have connection. Sorry but I don’t particularly want to die on this island.

5. What age did you start wearing make up?

I started properly wearing make up when I was 13 but I tried and failed at it quite a lot since the age of 11. I always got confused and never could figure out when my friends were going to wear loads of make up and when they were going to wear none, so I usually did it the wrong way round. By the time I was 13 I just gave up on trying to fit in and generally went with wearing more make up than any of my friends combined. I enjoyed wearing make up this way and was fed up with caring what people thought or if they were judging me on it, which they probably were. But I was being who I was and I didn’t care.

6. What’s your favourite thing to blog about?

Weirdly enough, the first thing that comes to my mind is haircare. My hair is a huge part of my look so it’s really important I get it lookin’ good, and I enjoy sharing how I do this!

7. Who is your role model?

I’ve always hated this question! I don’t really compare myself to other people, and I don’t idolise one specific any person or people. Instead I like to set goals for myself which I look up to, I guess I am idolising a certain future me.

8. Besides blogging, what do you do in your spare time?

I enjoy watching the TV shows I listed above, reading, and twitter. Lots of twitter.

9. What beauty product could you not live without?

I’m not sure if this is a specific product or not, but I think if I went without lip balm then my lips would dry up and fall off. Does that count…?

10. Chocolate or crisps?

Chocolate. All day and every day.

11. What is your favourite clothing shop?

This is a really tough one! I’m going to go for ASOS because I know I will always, ALWAYS find something I like. Which can sometimes be a bit of a problem, hello unhappy bank statement.

Now time to nominate other bloggers…I’m not sure what kind of ‘followers’ the liebster award rules are referring to, but I’m going to go with bloglovin followers.

My Nominees

(In no particular order)

The Kats Paws

Caledonian Kitty

Ella Was Here

Karin Jr

Velvet Blush

Bags Of Style

Pretty Quirky

Just Kirsten

Eleni Mac

Brenda Busy Bee

Ems Says

My Questions For Them

1. Do you speak another language? If not, would you like to?

2. If I gave you £100 to give to charity, which charity would you donate to and why?

3. Favourite type of foreign food?

4. Chicken or beef? (Or vegetarian?)

5. You can only ever buy high end OR drugstore make up from now on. You earn the same amount of money. Which do you choose?

6. Evening make up in the daytime or daytime make up in the evening?

7. You can buy EITHER make up OR clothes for the rest of your life. You are allowed to keep your current collection of both. Your current make up and clothes are magical and they last forever. Which do you choose?

8. If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would it be?

9. What is your blogging aim? E.g. Get 2000 bloglovin followers, you can write your aim for this week/month or your ultimate aim.

10. Do you prefer having one best friend or a group of friends?

11. Would you rather wear the same colour lipstick or the same colour nail polish forever?

Hope you enjoyed this post :)



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