My Nail Polish Collection

My collection

These nail art polishes have long and thin brushes for bold lines or elegant flicks, or even retro spots!

I love the Metal Flip range from Miss Sporty, they are quite sheer but can be layered up to be really bold and beautiful.

I can never say no to the Model’s Own 6 for £20 offer! I love their new Speckled Egg collection, I have the green one but I want the purple one too, it’s so pretty!
Yes, well. I have forbidden myself from buying any MORE nail polishes, OK?! Apart from free samples. They are very much allowed.
As you can probably see, I am a nail polish lover turned hoarder and this is my nail polish collection. I own brands from Chanel to Primark, and I dare not even consider how much I have spent on nail polish over the years. I haven’t even opened some of these.
I think one of the reasons I have so many is unless the nail polish has some super amazing quality like it only takes one coat or something then I will tend to use it once, get bored with it, and never use it again. It looks like I am subconsciously wasteful and excessive! yayyy #firstworldproblems
This turns into a bit of a pain whenever I buy Model’s Own polishes – they are HUGE so are priced above other high street brands, but I don’t use half of what I payed so much for! I’d rather pay half the price for mini bottles like the Max Factor Colour Effect Mini Nail Polish, which would be SO much better value for me.
And I don’t give the unused ones away either! The colour looks so pretty in the bottle, I just can’t bear to part with it – and I seem to have the need to possess every colour in the spectrum. So, instead of going to a needy human, these polishes are sitting on my shelf gathering dust. I have made myself a Summer Resolution to start using colours I wouldn’t normally use, such as the cheap looking ones, and to avoid bare nails as much as possible in order to make use of my lengthy nail polish collection.
The Ones I Actually Use:
Beautiful, eh? That’s why I use ’em.
The Ones I Don’t Use As Such And Should Probably Give Away But They’re So Darn Pretty
I just can’t bear to part with them! Especially not the Model’s Own ones.
The Most Used Ones
The sparkly Miss Sporty one (Sparkle Touch) used to be my most used nail polish, I would even use it on it’s own sometimes but I drifted away (wave after wave) from it when my collection began to expand and it as replace by Model’s Own and Barry M. The Model’s Own base coat is not very good as it chips really easily, but I am not allowing myself to buy another one until I have finished this one because it is massive. It also doubles as a top coat.
The Ones I Wish I Used More
I do use some of these a lot, but I want to use the even more because I feel like I have been slacking a bit recently. The Miss Sporty ones I used to use all the time and I want to re-instate my love for them, the Model’s Own ones I have not even used yet and need to because they were not cheap (and SO beautiful, the sparkles just put me off a bit as they are really hard to remove), the Rimmel one…well, it is black, but I still want to get a good usage out of it.
Comment/tweet/email if you want to know any of the specific colours!
I was inspired to do this post by the same post on, about her nail polish collection! Hope you like your credit.
Other nail-related posts: Love: BarryM Nail Paints, The Black Sheep of the Flock, Chanel Le Vernis – Worth the Hefty Price Tag?
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